Saturday, October 22, 2011

I’m a Shadow Boxer, Baby

As a former art major, I am thoroughly unnerved by blank walls and twice as picky about with what to fill them. Although I’ve been out of the art game for awhile, I’ve recently begun taking refuge in the crafts section of the nearest art supply store. When I was younger, my grandma scared me with the phrase “idle hands are the Devil’s something something,” so I’ve started filling my walls with my own... creations?

I bought these shadow boxes an entire year ago, and finally decided to use them to house something. But what? Dead bugs, of course. Fascinated by lepidopterology, I wanted to make my own array of framed dead butterflies. My sister actually used to make jewelry out of “fallen” ladybugs…it was a very cool idea, but also sort of skeeved me out. So instead I obtained some fake dead bugs. Which oddly still kinda skeeved me out... ANYWAYS.

Butterfly Shadow Boxes

Materials: small shadow boxes, acrylic paint, paintbrush, printed origami paper (gift paper works too), rubber cement, picture frame hangers & fasteners, small hammer, and fake butterflies (or embalmed dead ones…you pick!)

Step One – Paint the shadow box in your choice of color. I chose gold, because I like gaudy, lavish-looking things. Be sure to paint the inside, outside, front, and back to make sure it all looks neat and uniform.

Step Two – Cut down your origami paper to fit snuggly along the inside of your shadow box. Coat the interior with rubber cement and carefully place the paper inside, making sure to align it with all the edges.

Step Three – Attach picture frame hangers to the back of the shadow box.

Step Four – Attach butterfly using rubber cement. Dollop a small amount on the back of the butterfly and let it set up for about a minute. Then firmly press the butterfly into the center of the box and hold for about a minute and a half until the rubber cement holds.

Ta da! A thoroughly girly series of frames perfect for those who love lepidopterology but are scared of all insects, dead or alive.

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